The window to limit the effects of global warming is rapidly closing, making it more urgent than ever for companies to prioritize carbon credit projects that deliver measurable impact. Now.
Think of your company’s emissions as a financial liability. Every ton of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere creates a burden; one that doesn’t just sit idle but actually accrues interest.
Greenhouse gases, particularly CO₂, remain in the atmosphere for decades, multiplying their warming effect over time. Higher CO₂ levels trigger effects like melting ice caps, weakening carbon sinks, and methane leaking from permafrost. These processes further accelerate warming, creating feedback loops and making future emission reductions even more costly and difficult.
Emissions: A Liability That Accrues “Interest” Over Time
For every year we delay, the “interest” on our emissions liability grows, and the actions required to stabilize the climate become more drastic and expensive. But the reverse is also true; every ton of CO₂ prevented today buys us time, spares ecosystems from irreversible harm, and reduces the severity of future adaptation costs. A small investment in cutting emissions today is far more valuable than a larger investment ten years from now when the damage has multiplied.
By prioritizing carbon credit projects that can deliver impact within this decade, companies can apply an emergency brake to runaway global warming.

Above is a graph illustrating multiple carbon pathways, with the rate of emission (for example in mass of equivalent CO2 per unit time) on the y-axis and time on the x-axis. Scenario 1 represents aggressive, early emissions reductions, Scenario 2 is a constant linear reduction to zero, and Scenario 3 is a delayed reduction that starts off slow and then accelerates. The area under the curve -- which represents the total amount of CO2 emitted -- is smallest in Scenario 1, and largest in Scenario 3.
Balancing Long-Term and Immediate Solutions
While long-term solutions like reforestation or technological carbon capture are important, they take time to show results. What the planet needs right now are carbon credit projects that act as an emergency brake by instantly reducing emissions or preventing future releases.
Carbon credit projects with immediate impact also provide breathing room for slower solutions to take hold. Without these urgent actions, the gap between current emissions and future goals will widen beyond repair.
In our case, ClimateWells’ carbon credit projects shut down old oil wells, immediately eliminating any and all CO₂ and methane emissions associated with each well and preventing future releases. By investing in carbon credit projects that produce verifiable, high-integrity results within this decade, companies can deliver on climate goals and pledges faster and reduce the effects of climate change further than is possible with long-term carbon credit projects.
Act Now, Impact Now
The climate crisis demands both urgency and strategy. Carbon credits can’t be thought of as a distant promise – companies need to focus on projects that deliver immediate, verifiable results.
Through strategic investments in high-impact projects this decade, we can slow the pace of warming and buy valuable time to develop the technologies and infrastructure needed for a sustainable future.